Toll Free Origination

By offering the highest levels of customer service and customization based upon our customers individual needs, Lynk Telecom has quietly become one of the largest Toll Free Service providers in the United States.  Lynk Telecom also offers customized single-CIC routing, multi-CIC routing, and RESPORG solutions based on your business’ specific needs and network requirements/capabilities.

Through our unique routing capabilities, Lynk Telecom also builds carrier diversity into the routing of each number.  If one carrier experiences a routing issue, it automatically flows to the next available carrier. This is known as Complex and Complimentary routing; a process that can eliminate outage issues on a specific carrier. If your existing carrier has ever had issues with their route, you have experienced the pain of having a business-critical number fail. When Complex and Complimentary routing is implemented, this issue is completely eliminated. Further, Lynk Telecom supports flexible pricing options by offering both flat rates and rate decks broken out by npa-nxx (depending upon customer routing capabilities).